Saturday, March 21, 2009

19 week sonogram

This past Thursday we went for our 19 week sonogram. They checked out the baby's heart, kidneys, and back bone. They also took several measurments to make sure that the baby was growing properly. After about 15 min. of playing with my belly to get the baby to move around it finally decided to wake up and cooperate. Once it copperated they were able to determine that it is a very healthy baby boy with vey long toes. Everything is looking good so far. I have had some morning sickness but it has pretty much settled down now. The Baby still does not like me waking up early for work so I normally get sick once every morning, but then I'm good to go. We went Friday night with my Mom and my Grandma to work on our registry and after a couple hours of Ronnie, Mom, Christen, Grandma, Papa, and me wondering around we got the registry at Babies R Us finished. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures and if you have any questions or comments please leave them I will try and keep the blog updated regularly. Love you all!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Family & Friends

This blog is for my family and friends who are a little far away and would like to keep up with us. As many of you know we are expecting a little bundle of joy come August. I hope that this blog will let you see how we are doing and how the baby is progressing even though I know you can't all be as close as you'd like.

Baby Furntiture Set

Baby Furntiture Set

Hunter's Bedroom

Hunter's Bedroom
Before construction

filling in the cracks


Starting to paint

The painting is all done :)


18 1/2 Weeks It's a Boy!!!

18 1/2 Weeks It's a Boy!!!
This is Baby Crews looking at the camera.

In this picture you can really see his back bone and his heart. The back bone is the curved white line at the bottom and his heart is the little black dot.

Here you can also see the heart and back bone really good.

This is Baby Crews proving he's a man.

Again he's showing off.

Baby Crews

Baby Crews
This is our first shot of our little peanut. Approx. 8 weeks along.